Use as a drop-in replacement for text inputs in Atlassian products.
Extends the Fuegokit Tooltip primitive.
Tooltips should be our last resort for conveying information, because they are hidden by default and usually provide zero or very little visual indicator of its existence.
Before adding a tooltip, consider the following: Is the information essential and necessary? Can the UI be made clearer? Can the information be shown on the page by default?
If you are unsure which alternative to use, consult a designer or the Design Systems team at Appfire for advice.
Read more.Import
import {AtlasTooltip} from '@fuegokit/react'
Tooltips are rarely the appropriate choice. If your design requires one, ensure that the tooltip is discoverable and readable with a mouse, touchscreens, eye-tracking devices, and other pointer devices, keyboard, screen readers, zoom software, and any other assistive technology.
Read more at the Fuegokit Tooltip primitive docs.